Mar 16, 2008

blog revamped!!

someone advised me to change the colour of my blog since it's dark and a bit depressing. i kinda think so too, because instead of being cool, it had become emo. which is so not cool. so for now i'm gonna use this template. so how you guys like the new look? XD

ps: raje's the one who taught me about basic html. so aku godam lepas dapat tunjuk ajar dari dia. thanks a lot raje!!!


aisyah. said...

apa kata ko tolong aku tuka template aku?? jd cheerful gak?? hehehe

kakkumei said...

boleh kot. kasi aku gambar n color scheme ko nak, nnti aku godam.

and thanks to raje yang ajar aku mcm mana nak buat!

Anonymous said...

haha no prob.
xberpeluh pon ketiak aku tlg ko.
the small the matter.

i like it. the new look :)

aisyah. said...

yeahhhhhhhh......... aku xkisah apa, asalkan ada bunga2 and all.. ahahahha.. AND NOT BLACK. nak password ke cmna??

kakkumei said...

alamak!sorry arr jd manusia super blurr biler masuk bab2 html neh..(ni baru html, blom php, css,xml n apa2 bahasa web).hehe..thanks!

hahahaha!black was suppose to be cool.skang mcm dah jd emo plak. heh, bunga2 cm sweet plak kan?hahaha!
ha, boleh kot. nnti kasi arr