Jul 5, 2009


I really need to stop hanging out with my hang out buddy...
He’s a bad influence.

Last Friday (26 June 2009), a day after our block 18 exam, he asked me to go to Solo with him. I said ok. I’m bored, and the ride only took 1 hour from Jogja. But since I’m kinda broke, I told him that he’ll have to pay for the fuel, and I’ll pay for the food. So, okayla… Not much spending on my part.

The last time we went to Solo, he told me that he wants to visit a place called Tawangmangu, only at that time I heard it as Taman Mangu (okay… they sound similar). What’s in Taman Mangu, I asked. He said that it’s similar to Kaliurang (it’s kinda like Cameron Highland, minus the veggies and flowers). Oh, then there’s ride to the top without any walking needed. I don’t mind much, if there’s no walking involve. My calves ached from 2-hour straight swimming. Besides, I’m not the one who’s driving my trusted blue Suzuki Spin 125 cc whim I called Ken. He’s the one. I just had to sit at the back and enjoy the scenery, and singing along to my mp3 player.

Or so I thought.

Not only the ride took around 2 hours, which was when we arrived to TaWANGmangu (I figured out what it called after reading the signboards), plus he didn’t know where the hell is that place. We had to rely on signboards (that’s like chipsmore cookies, now it’s there, now it’s gone…) and instinct. Then suddenly he said he wanted to go to a waterfall that’s there. I was like, okaayyy…

Waterfall = walking

NOOOO!! I didn’t agree to this!

After Friday prayer (my first Friday prayer ever), we went to that waterfall, Grojongan Sewu (that name is so Javanese, there’s no mistaking where the hell are we).

First thought, HELL! It's gonna be a long walk down...

and I'm correct.

It was a long, winding road, infested with MONKEYS!!! Do becareful, don't ever, ever do anything stupid like feeding the monkeys....

Then we saw the waterfall... suddenly I think, it was worth the walk... (it's not that far, really, around 5 minutes walk.. XD)

We spend some time exploring the area...

yeah, yeah.. pose bajet cute...

monkey-infested bridge...

I took this picture behind a professional photographer.. kira aku curik angle dia la neh.. XD

kalau tengok betul-betul, ada orang dating kat situ.. hahaha~

let's go home...

After the waterfall, we went to Solo Square.. then dinner at Sego Penyetan near Depok Sports Center with JERN!!! (three of us... there's no way Jern's going to have dinner with only me... haihh..)

Arrived home around 9pm... so much for being able to be back before maghrib la kann~


RS. said...

haha :)

kakkumei said...

imagine naik motor for two hours straight..

saket bontot wei~