Apr 5, 2010

bear Bear BEAR!!!

Ohai Mr Miggins!

I made a teddy bear last night out of boredom. And because I can't think of anything to write for the next chapter of ULAM April.

Actually, I was browsing the net for felt toys pattern, since I have tons of felt fabric, and I have absolutely no idea what to make. But somehow, it ended up as me making a teddy bear.

The fabric, my old orange checkered shirt. 

Started doing it around 11:30 pm last night, until 1 am, and then I continued making it this morning.



Sleepy eyed bear :D


It is that small... around a key chain teddy size XD


Apr 1, 2010

We pledge to do no harm

Lining up for attendance and signing the oath.

Waaaaa! Today we have Janji Koas ceremony. Janji Koas is like mini Hippocratic Oath, since we're going to be "junior doctors". Because of the syllabus of my university, we finished 3 and half years of theory before diving straight into clinical stuff for one and a half years. Unlike Malaysian students where they'll dabble with clinical situations in hospital in between theoretical lessons.

With Min, in front of our house :D. Do not comment on the weight!
(and yes, I'm the short one ; ; bulat macam doraemon)

Anyway, even tho we pledged our Janji Koas today, not all of us will start at the same time. Those who passed the last OSCE-Comprehensive exam will enter clinical rotation first on the 5th of April. OSCE-Compre is basically skills exam, skills that were tested were:

  1. Integrated Patient Management – how we handle patients that come to see us, from diagnosis to physical examinations, to treatment and education. Very tough, because not only do we have to know about what are the patient's symptoms are pointing to, we also have to do vital signs, relevant physical examinations, treatment (as in prescribing drugs) and patient's education, all in 20 minutes time. AURGH
  2. Clinical Reasoning – clinical reasoning is somewhat like IPM, but without the simulated patient. It's a written test, where we will be given a situation with certain symptoms. So we have to write 3 differential diagnoses (3 most likely diseases), the symptoms, signs, golden standard, lab exam etc of all 3 diagnoses, and write the treatment and education for the most likely disease. I FAILED THIS ONE AND HAVE TO REPEAT IT AGAIN T^T.
  3. Minor surgery – D: this… is difficult because of we have to make sure our settings and the wound is aseptic at all time. What we do during this station is umm… wound stitching :D
  4. Physiological labor – assisting stage 2 of normal labor. We use mannequin :D
  5. Emergency – Okay… this stage is tough, depending on what case is given for emergency. If your case is IV line combined with catheterization, then honey, you're toast. But if your case is CPR and bandage, well, you can breathe easy. Unless you fucked the CPR good, or bandaged the wrong limb, there's unlikely chance for you to fail.

    LOL. Looks like we're posing for some kind of girls band album cover :p

    So, although now I'm officially a junior doctor, my rotation won't start till June. And like I said in my previous post, two months break, what do? Mom doesn't want me to go home, cause no one is available to fetch me from the airport (so sad T^T), I have no monies to go traveling, and I don't want to stay in Jogja alone while all my girlfriends are back in Malaysia (most of the boys won't go back, but… it's not like I'm staying with them, so they're like inexistent until I'm hungry or bored).  Sorry for the sexist pics. They're not from my camera.. ( I accidentally left my cam cable at home... in Malaysia ; ;)

While waiting for the ceremony to start...